P3: Motion Infographic

Kaylee Swain
5 min readOct 27, 2021


3 Research Ideas:

  1. Gender Bias in Healthcare
  • Despite good intentions, gender bias persists in health care. A survey conducted in early 2019 by TODAY found that more than one-half of women, compared with one-third of men, believe gender discrimination in patient care is a serious problem. One in five women say they have felt that a health care provider has ignored or dismissed their symptoms, and 17% say they feel they have been treated differently because of their gender — compared with 14% and 6% of men, respectively.
  • In 2020, a United Nations global report found that close to 90% of all people have some form of gender bias against women.
  • According to 2020 research Trusted Source, women with moderate hemophilia receive a diagnosis 6.5 months later than men, on average. Women with severe hemophilia face delays of 39 months. For women with VWD, the delay between symptom onset and diagnosis is 16 years.

2. Emotional Neglect

  • The overall estimated prevalence was 163/1,000 for physical neglect, and 184/1,000 for emotional neglect, with no apparent gender differences.
  • 491,710 victims (74.9%) are neglected.
  • Similarly, the Emotional Neglect subscale of the CTQ (Bernstein et al., 1994) was used to define the presence of child emotional neglect. This subscale also comprises five items that are rated on a 1 (“never”) to 5 (“very often”) Likert scale. The responses to these items were summed together to compute an emotional neglect score, which ranges from 5 to 25. Individuals with a score of 15 or more fall in the moderate to extreme range. Individuals retrospectively reporting the moderate to extreme level of child emotional neglect were considered to be exposed to emotional neglect.

3. Plant Life (trees) that are going Extinct

  • Released today, the Red List of US Oaks publication details for the first time the distributions, population trends, and threats facing all 91 native oak species in the U.S., including updated versions of previously published assessments. The publication serves as a baseline for current understanding of the state of the country’s oak trees and an authoritative guide for future conservation action.
  • An estimated 31% of the world’s oak species are threatened with extinction according to data compiled in a new report by The Morton Arboretum and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Global Tree Specialist Group, The Red List of Oaks 2020. The report details for the first time the distributions, population trends and threats facing the world’s estimated 430 oak species, and will serve as a roadmap for conservation action.
  • According to Arboretum researchers, an estimated 41% of the world’s 430 oak species are of conservation concern. Nearly one-third (31%) are considered threatened with extinction. This proportion of threatened species is higher than threat levels for mammals (26%) and birds (14%). The report indicates that the countries with the highest number of threatened oak species are Mexico (32 species), China (36), Vietnam (20), and the United States (16).

Topic: Oak trees going extinct

Position: Someone who cares about plants and the environment.

Audience: Anyone.

Transformation: Help show others to protect trees/plant them.

Narrative Script:

Most of the time when people hear the word endangered or extinct, they think of animals. But that’s not always the case. Between 22 and 47 percent of the worlds plant life is endangered. 30 percent being trees alone. One of those trees being the oak tree species. Nearly one third of oak trees are near extinction.

  • A this point I will have trees popping up and disappearing to show the extinction of trees*

Oak trees are very important and help maintain soil stability and play an important role in the ecosystem. Oak trees provide a habitat to a large majority of species. Acorns feed more than 100 species of wildlife.

  • have animals around an oak*

Out of 430 species of oak, 32 are threatened in Mexico, 36 in China, 20 in Vietnam, and 16 in the United Sates. While not all Oaks are in immediate danger here are a few species that need help.

  • Engelman Oaks
  • Maple leaf Oak
  • Bamboo Leaf Oak
  • A chart of some sort to show which trees are at higher risk of becoming extinct.

Style Tiles:

10 Seconds:

30 Seconds:

Exercise 5:


